Nic Barrow's The Snooker Gym ... "We Train Frustrated Amateurs, To Beat Their Highest Break"

Are you properly approaching the snooker table on the line of aim?!

aiming sighting & potting Aug 30, 2018

A Five Day Master Class snooker coaching client of mine emailed me about a problem approaching the line of aim.


“I am still keeping the snooker practice about 15-18 hours a week. I am stuck with 50-60 breaks.. However, there’s one problem that I tend to have on and off. And that is going down for the shot. Every now and then I tend to lose the line I aimed for when I finally go down for the shot. Do you have an advice on how to tackle this. “


My response is:

Before you approach the shot:

  1. Make doubly sure you are on the line of aim. You can do this by imagining the ‘ghost’ cue ball touching the object ball where it would need to contact the object ball to pot it. Then make a straight line between your eyes, the cue ball and the ghost ball – do this, and you will be on the line of aim.

  2. Then make sure you are a consistent distance behind the cue ball on every shot you play. DO NOT stand a consistent distance away from the SNOOKER TABLE! You must IGNORE the table because the CUE BALL is the priority – even though it is far smaller than the table!


On the approach to the shot:

  1. From before beginning your approach, keep your eyes on the object ball until the bridge hand touches the table. This keeps you on line better than looking at the cue ball.

  2. Take two steps only into the shot (not three steps). So for example a right hander would make a natural step forwards with the right foot, then place the left foot out wide into the final stance position.

  3. Don't shuffle or settle feet like golfers when they get down - plant the feet decisively as if you were walking into glue or cement. If, when you get down, you feel you need to adjust your position then get up from the shot and approach again from the beginning.

  4. Then just walk a bit more slowly and carefully than normal when you approach the shot. 

    After you have found the line, then take as much care STAYING on the line as a tight rope walker!

    Then just trust your snooker cue action to go through straight. and your post shot routine to keep your body still after the shot.