Nic Barrow's The Snooker Gym ... "We Train Frustrated Amateurs, To Beat Their Highest Break"

Quickest Way on Earth to Aim with Side Spin…

aiming sighting & potting Aug 17, 2022

This week’s video provides an alternative to the dreaded side spin aiming theories called the ‘Pivot’ and ‘Parallel’ systems (which are not actually systematic and therefore fail scrutiny!).

My recent debunking of these two myths appears in the description of this week’s video. If you know anyone who disagrees with me please pass them the video above and ask them to get in touch – I am (obviously) all for correcting my viewpoint if it is wrong and welcome all evidence and perspectives in that regard which I may include on future videos on this topic.

Enjoy the video and let us know in the comments below the video what you think!



The Snooker Gym: We Train Frustrated Amateurs, To Beat Their Highest Break


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